“She wanted to do the…” – The USA Print Magazine


Lizy Tagliani She is at a spectacular moment in her career and after having her first experience as a host of Got Talentjoined the important challenge of La Peña de Morfiwith whom he shares the air next to Diego Leuco.

Doing theater and radio at the same time, Tagliani finds himself with a very busy agenda and will soon find him outside of La Peña. It turns out that the media has plans to travel to the United States to see the Argentine National Team in the America Cup.

There he will be doing some specials with Marley from Around the worldand took advantage of his space to “attend” to Jorgelina Cardosowife Angel Di Maria and to whom he jokingly complained for being with the Telefe driver.

I had a confrontation with Di María’s wife, with Jorgelina. She wanted to be the co-host, who goes with Marley from here to there and I said ‘excuse me?’. I sent them a message on Instagram with a separate word, so they wouldn’t download the message.“, Lizy began saying.


Among the laughter that that moment generated, Tagliani pretended to be offended and her colleagues also poked her. Speaking to the camera and leaving a clear message for Cardoso, she did not let him pass that back and forth with Alejandro so easily.

I told him ‘get situated’. So, Jorgelina, if you’re looking at me, you and I have a business deal that you didn’t fulfill. It goes beyond my desires as a professional, but also as a co-host and friend of Marley. You know what I’m talking about, you have to comply with a mandate that you did not comply with. You know I know everything about you…“, Lizy said very funny.

And ending the joke, he also added: “I warned you. I tried to go easy, you couldn’t understand, we’re going to have to fix it. People without codes don’t interest me. A Jorgelina that I totally don’t know”.

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