Real Madrid: Season of comebacks | Soccer | Sports


Cover of ‘Until the end, let’s go Real!: History of Real Madrid’s legendary comebacks’, by Salva Martín.

Many things can happen in the 90 minutes of a soccer match, but the reality is that, in general, very few happen. And there is the grace. The fans come to the stadium with the hope of witnessing the small miracle of the goal, which occurs with the necessary cadence to renew faith. Sometimes, the miracle even happens in an aesthetically beautiful way—a shot, a collective play—or statistically improbable—a comeback in the final minutes, an added time in which more things happen than in the previous hour and a half. And so, the fan returns home happy, confident that he will witness a new miracle at the next appointment. It is likely that he will surround him in a halo of pessimism, but the wisps of hope will be what brings him back to the stadium.

Unless, of course, the fan is Real Madrid. In its 122 years of history, the white club has built a special relationship with victory and deeds, to the point that white fans accept challenges as a possibility of expanding their legend. History of Real Madrid’s legendary comebacks (Almuzara) is the book in which journalist Salva Martín collects those matches in which Chamartín’s team needed to win by a certain number of goals and achieved it. Since those round of 16 of the European Cup against Derby County —Madrid lost by four goals to one; The English team did not imagine that its name would be forever linked to the concept of comeback—to the madness of 2022, with PSG, Chelsea and Manchester City they understood how Madrid works. A book that revives the passion of those games… and leaves the door open to the deeds that are yet to be done.

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