Paz Padilla messes up in Las Campanadas with a denialist speech: “Vaccines are useless because the bug is from Luján and now we have the Oritrón”


Paz Padilla has done it again. With her usual finesse, the comedian and presenter of Sálvame has marked
a monologue about vaccines and the coronavirus that could be a tribute to his teacher Chiquito de la Calzada, or not. It happened during a three-way talk on Anne Igartiburu’s Instagram channel, who listened in horror to Padilla’s tirade, perhaps thinking that her stellar appearance in the
Spanish Television Chimes He can jinx himself even more: he has already had to retire due to contagion
Ana Obregonso ringing in the new year by toasting a denier doesn’t seem like a very good option, at least on public television.

Paz Padilla and Mediaset can benefit from this controversy very well. Although Padilla is trying to play the sexy card he has nothing to do with
Cristina Pedroche. However, becoming a target of
hate watching (see to criticize) can give you better results in the rating. But let’s see what she said because she’s funny (sorry). You have to have a lot of courage to say in the face of
Maria del Montewho has lost two brothers and his mother to coronavirus, which we are going to hear next.

«It doesn’t matter, vaccines are useless. Look, vaccines are a protein that
they put the spider in you, which is the protein through which the virus enters. But of course, the vaccine is that of
Luján bugand the bug has mutated and now we have the orytron.

And then the bug now seems to no longer enter through the door and enters through the window. Clear
they put the spider in youwhich is the one with the window, the door but now
It doesn’t work against the window. Therefore, no matter how many vaccines you get, two or three, the virus already enters from another side, thus infecting you.

That’s what happened, both of them,
the delta and the orytron, have mutated in Africa. The good thing they say is that in Africa so many people have been infected and so many people have been immunized that there are very few with covid. So it is thought that this will be the end of covid.”

In summary.

Little more can be added, although the faces, Juan, the faces of
Anne Igartiburu and
Maria del Monte They deserve emphasis.