Party in the streets of the Athletic players | Soccer | Sports


It is not uncommon for professional footballers to go out drinking on some of their days off. They tend to be discreet in their nocturnal expansions. Many times they use the VIP spaces of nightclubs and other venues to go unnoticed and enjoy peace of mind without the hassle of fans who approach them looking for autographs or photographs. The Athletic players also come out, they try to be restrained, but not always. Like this Tuesday.

They returned at noon on Sunday from winning the Cup in Seville. Before getting on the bus on the way to the airport, the captain, Iker Muniain, helped fulfill the promise of a red and white fan who said that he would shave his hair if Athletic won. With the clippers in his hand, the red and white player asked: “Are you sure?” There was an affirmative answer, and Muniain proceeded. Afterwards they hugged, Iker got on the bus, and the fan returned to Bilbao happy.

Upon arrival in the capital of Biscay, the staff was photographed first with the crew of the plane that took them, and then with the airport employees who were waiting at the foot of the runway. In Lezama they picked up their private vehicles and went home to rest. It had been a weekend full of emotions. Valverde held a party until Wednesday, although the captains, the coach and the president went to the Gernika Assembly House on Tuesday morning to present the Cup at the regional institution.

But early in the evening they went out partying, all together, through the center of Bilbao. Without security measures, except for a notice to the Municipal Police to announce the event; without hiding, in plain sight of everyone. They had prepared a street party with the Sakatu electrocharanga in which Asier Villalibre plays the trumpet, and there the festival began. It all started around nine at night when Iñaki Williams began broadcasting a live broadcast on his social networks, which alerted dozens of his followers who immediately detected that the players were circulating through Plaza San José, a very central place. . The appeal effect, sought by the footballers, brought together many people who came to the kalejirain which, once again, Iker Muniain took the lead.

First in front of a few dozen surprised passers-by; then before several hundred. Standing on shoulders, like Williams, the procession, with Villalibre pulling the cart with the portable music system, headed down Henao Street towards the Albia Gardens, where the concert that the footballers gave to their followers began, also putting on in the front row to dance.

Dozens of videos were made and selfies. “We want to be close to you, this triumph belongs to everyone,” said Muniain, microphone in hand, while Lekue, Unai Gómez, Sancet, Vivian, Dani García, De Marcos and Yuri nodded, and Unai Simón carried Agirrezabala on his shoulders. “Saturday was very hard, and you suffered with us,” he said. “When we say that we are a family, they are not empty words, that is why the players wanted to feel you, that you feel us, we wanted to touch you, that we celebrate together,” and with a broken voice he sang, in chorus with the fans, the tune that he himself had composed. popularized in just one day: “This is the famous Athletic, the famous Athletic Club, these are the champions, Athletic txapeldun”.

After a dozen songs that the footballers danced and sang with enthusiasm, around eleven they retired discreetly, without anyone bothering them. In Bilbao it usually happens like this, the players are not usually harassed by the fans. They walk with their family through the city center without having to hide behind sunglasses or a cap. The same thing happened during his retreat. It was not too late, they trained this Wednesday.

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