Nico’s pain when he met Chino again set Big Brother on fire – The USA Print Magazine


“A Bro never leaves another Bro alone.” The phrase was not even seven months old. Born at the end of 2023, it found an expiration date at the end of July/beginning of July 2024 when Chino Martín Ku decided to support Bautista for the final of Big Brother. In that framework, he returned to the most famous House in the country and his reunion with Nico, the third member of the group who swore “eternal fidelity”, could not have been more tense.

Ten days ago, Nico gave one of the biggest surprises of the current season of GH by winning a tight one-on-one with Chino and eliminating him after he defeated Furia in another strong elimination gala. Something broke from there, since Martín came into contact “with the outside” and saw things that he didn’t like and led him to lean towards Bautista.

According to what Martin said in a heated disagreement he had with Nico’s mother, he felt rejection “because there were many attitudes from Nico’s father that I didn’t like. He played around and talked behind his back, and I think that’s not done, that it was wrong, that’s why I had to choose and I decided to support Bautista. Bautista must be sent to 9009 so that Big Brother wins.” Nicolás’ mother accused him of being jealous of her son “because he beat him and kicked him out of the House.”

Martín came back to the House with a black t-shirt that said, very large and in a very visible white, “Bautista at 9009”. When he saw him, Nico didn’t know what to do or how to react. He felt a little upset, no doubt – perhaps betrayed? – and highly surprised, but then he faced him and as best he could he hugged Martín even though on his t-shirt he was wishing him defeat.


There was an exchange of glances, the occasional I miss you, I miss home, how is everything outside, what is happening in life outside the house, what impact is there on people and on social media, what are the reunions like, how do everyone’s chances look for the final and the occasional random topic touched on, but the atmosphere was very, very cold between the two.

They didn’t talk, for example, about the dog Arturo, with whom Chino was reunited after a couple of days of isolation for both. There was not much complicity or anything like that either. Will they continue to be friends starting next week, when one of the three finalists turns off the light in the house until a new player turns it back on? The question, of course, has no answer.

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