New statistical data for Reels and Live

Social media

New statistical data for Reels and Live

Following the sudden increase in the use of social networks due to the effects of the pandemic, over the last year Instagram has churned out one update after another at an unprecedented pace, with the aim of increasingly increase the tools on the platform. This is to keep users – especially Creators and companies – interested in using the platform alive, avoiding finding alternative solutions.

In the last 7 days, however, he has really outdone himself, and has released the updates that we have all been anxiously waiting for!

To be able to keep up with IG, you have to run at the same speed as him.

And we at NotJustAnalytics are here for you.

What are the latest Instagram updates?

Various functions have arrived within the statistical data to help those who work with Instagram (but not only) to better understand and evaluate your performance on the platform.

Carrying out analyzes on your profile, analyzing the results found, is essential to achieve optimal and effective communication.

For this reason since May 26th Instagram has made official a very substantial update that has involved all its users around the world, adding:

  • Reels statistical data
  • Live statistical data
  • New view of general profile data with more (and very useful) information.

What's new in Insights?

Based on user feedback, Instagram has decided to launch updates relating to statistical data on two types of formats that have achieved the most success in recent months: the Reelswhich have now exploded with remixes and are making the fortune of many profiles (read the case study by @normasteaching), and the Livewhich perhaps we also abused during the lock down.

Reels Insights

New metrics are now available including:

  • Reproductions (not to be confused with views! They are the number of times the video is started. Even a millisecond is enough)
  • Accounts reached (which is nothing more than coverage)
  • I like
  • Comments
  • Saves
  • Shares (Data not available in European countries and Japan)
Live Insights

Only available on live streams produced since the update:

  • Accounts reached
  • Peak of simultaneous viewers (for the most vain)
  • Comments
  • Shares (ditto with potatoes as for reels)

These metrics will be also included in the general statistics of the account, in order to have a complete idea of ​​the progress of the contents in their entirety.

Additional updates

The news doesn't end here.

Instagram has added new detailed coverage information!

Let's explain better…

All creators and companies know how important it is to know your target, and the more detailed the information provided… the better! No?

The IG platform – willing to satisfy our every need – created some new subdivisions in static data which provide more transparency into the types of accounts you are reaching.

  • Breakdown of total organic coverage and that deriving from sponsored ones: just to remind you how much the visibility of your profile could be worth. #Justsaying
  • Breakdown of the audience reached between followers and NON-followers: the first question we received was

    Wow, look how many people I still reach who don't follow me! How do I turn them into followers?

    In reality they were there before… but there is no doubt that now Instagram puts them right under our noses we really can't pretend we don't know anymore and so we'll start working harder. One point for Instagram!

  • Breakdown of coverage by content type: here, this is one of the most interesting data of all. It helps you understand which formats allow you to make yourself known to a new audience and which ones you can use to consolidate the relationship with your community. Another point for Instagram.


These are the updates we love!

The possibility of carrying out detailed analyzes relating to your target and your coverage will significantly help creators, companies and for those – like me – who work as Social Media Managers and have always felt a little limited until now.

In the coming months, the Instagram team will begin rolling out insights features with even more tools. Including the ability to analyze posts new time intervals (no longer just 7 and 30 days like now).

And what's more, they will start supporting Insights on desktop too!

Lots of new things to digest and take advantage of as soon as possible!

I leave you here a couple of very interesting articles on how increase live views and activate monetization 😉