Nacho Jacob: “I started in San Cristóbal, with Father Ángel helping children”


  • HC Partner of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, collaborator of Nuevo Futuro and Tierra de Hombres, which promotes the development of the most disadvantaged children… Are children one of the groups that worries you the most?
    NJ I ​​remember that, from a young age, I started in San Cristóbal, with Father Ángel, helping children in situations of social risk, excluded children, with significant social uprooting.

  • HC Your connection with Messengers of Peace goes back a long way.
    NJ Father Angel is a being of light. I have good contacts on the boards of directors of large multinational food companies and, through my efforts, I have managed to make agreements to provide soup kitchens with essential products: dairy products, bread, cereals, oil… My brother died a few years ago Of cancer. I had a collection of watches and I thought: “we just accumulate things, when the truth is that, when we leave, we can’t take anything with us.” We held an auction of that collection and raised money that was donated entirely to Messengers of Peace.

  • HC And Father Ángel awarded him the Messengers Prize, an award that only 50 people hold, among them: Pope Francis or the Kings of Spain.
    NJ La Paloma de la Paz, a precious recognition. I feel very identified with the Pope because I believe that he is doing very notable work for the Church, a very necessary work of rejuvenation. The Church has to move with the new times and the Pope is giving very beautiful messages. For example, with the issue of homosexuality, not blaming those who have relationships with people of the same sex and many other things: promoting giving, not accumulating…

  • HC As a Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, what is your mission?
    NJ We are very few gentlemen in the world. In Spain we will not be more than 300. There is an important filter to enter the Order. Until recently you had to have a noble title, now it has changed and you have to prove that you have personal nobility. Apart from the pageantry that accompanies this order, the purpose is absolutely supportive. What it seeks is to reconcile the different religions, one of the mandates of Pope Francis, since there is only one God. The main premise is to defend and care for the Christians of the Holy Land, because in Palestine they are a minority, although the Order is Universal and all the projects carried out there are. My last pilgrimage was a wonderful experience, because I was able to see how a hospital was being built for Muslim, Jewish, Christian children… The Knights and Ladies make a series of donations that are intended to cover these expenses.