“My first document letter” – The USA Print Magazine


The entry again of relatives of the few remaining finalists of this edition of Big Brother once again generated controversy both inside and outside the house. And just as at the time it was Francisco who entered, this week it was the turn of Sofiathe other daughter of Darío Martínez Corti.

And it was after Hammockthe sister of Juliana Furia Scaglione left the game of her own free will that, when it came to voting for what remained in the reality show, they decided that whoever came out would also be the relative of the car salesman from La Plata.

With the situation captured in front of the cameras and while everything was being seen live, on the other side and on the Telefe streaming platform it was Nacho Castañares, former participant, who as an analyst narrated and gave his opinion on the participants’ plays.

“I can’t believe what Darío did. “I can’t believe it, and I can’t believe it,” The little brother who came to second place in edition 22 began. And he continued: “I understand that Darío may prefer that his daughter leave so that she does not confront Furia, that he does not mark her and that he takes care of her from exposure.””.


“But you can still catch her with Dario. He thinks he’s all good because he does what Fury says. If she turns against Darío tomorrow, which will happen next week, he has a chance of leaving the house. And now him doing this he gives leadership to a bro next week. The bros are the majority in the house,” added Ignacio.

And it was those comments from La Tora’s ex-boyfriend that reached the ears of Darío’s children, who indignantly reacted with a statement on Instagram. “@nachoo cp my goal was for dad to win the test and he did, even though I would have liked to spend more days with him”Sofia published.

And followed: “As the leadership won, I knew that they were going to vote for me first to leave because he is not one of the originals and it was not useful for him to vote today, Wednesday, because he is not going to be on the plate and least of all they were going to make me win on Thursday so that dad be a leader again. He prioritized taking care of me”. To which Castañares reacted and when he found out he said: ““My first document letter.”

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