“My chain came off” – The USA Print Magazine


Ricardo Darín rrevealed what the day was like when he became his character “Little bomb” in Wild Tales. It was when they took away his car and he ran, screaming, down the street. “I was late for a minute, exactly 1 minute, I arrived and they already had my car hooked up.”“.

“In Relatos Salvajes it was a compartmentalized thing of 6 stories that for me are re Argentine, especially one of them, which is the one starring Oscar Martínez“recalled Ricardo, invited to Olgain one of the few interviews that the actor – and now also director of a content production company – gave in recent times.

“In my opinion it is the hardest because it is the most plausible. It is the one that is the least far from reality. The others have a dose of fantasy”Ricardo differentiated between the different stories seen in one of the most remembered films of national cinema in recent decades.

I wouldn’t go to that extreme of being “Bombita” because I am careful and try not to be aggressive. But the chain coming off, yes, it can happen to me. In fact, it happened to me one day…” Darín said, which gave way to El Chino’s father telling in detail what the tragicomic anecdote was like.


“I went to one of these municipal institutions, I had left the car parked with the tokens, I was late for a minute, exactly 1 minute, I arrived and they already had my car hooked up. And the chain came off,” Ricardo was honest, in first person, during the streaming note.


“I started running down the street shouting… ‘No, son of a bitch… they were behind a tree waiting. It can’t be that the difference is 1 minute. To where I was.’ And now all the time “They make jokes with Bombita from here, Bombita from there.”Darín closed.

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