Movistar Estudiantes surpasses a round of the Cup for the first time | Basketball | Sports


Movistar Estudiantes had barely tasted the Queen’s Cup. Every year he arrived, fell in the first round and returned to Madrid with his ears down. But this year I knew I had more options. His rival was the weakest of the four seeds and appeared at the Carolina Marín Sports Palace with high morale due to her latest results. Spar Girona, on the other hand, came after having collided with reality, that with so many casualties it was a utopia to win the Eurocup, his main objective this season. It lasted until the semifinals, as in this quarterfinal match it lasted until halftime. He didn’t give it any more.

So two quarters his resistance stood tall. Later, as soon as Laura Méndez took control of the game, David Gallego’s team began to gain distance and confidence. Roberto Íñiguez tried it by insisting with inside balls to Tolo, the Australian center who was superior in the paint, or defending in the zone. But as soon as Estudiantes took off, they never looked back and, with Whittle’s points, they went ahead on the scoreboard.

Uni Girona, without its star Rebekah Gardner – she was replaced by the Australian Loz Nicholson -, Regan Magarity or Giedre Labuckiene (Irati Etxarri lasted five minutes), ended up deflating. In the first two quarters he had made the most of his few options, leading the game to a duel of defenses, with shooting percentages below 30%, and letting his point guard Sandra Ygueravide chew up the seconds. Basketball control.

His plan was crushed by Méndez, who changed the rhythm to impose a more cheerful game that will allow him to play for the first time in his history a semifinal of the Queen’s Cup, where Valencia Basket, who had won in the first game, was waiting for him. to the IDK Euskotren.

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