Mica Viciconte told of the serious health moment she is going through with her son – The USA Print Magazine


Mica Viciconte shared on social networks the bad time she is going through with her son. She uploaded a very worrying photo to her Instagram account, which set off alarms among her followers, who quickly asked her what was wrong.

For days now, the former Combate participant has been somewhat missing from the internet. That is why those fans began to bombard her with messages, trying to find out what was happening to her and, at the same time, find out the reason for her absence on her networks.

To avoid any type of rumor, Ariel’s panelist in her Salsa took charge of the matter and explained how bad things were happening to her lately. But that was not the worst, since her son is facing the same calamity that has been bothering them for several days.

At first he clarified that his bad past has nothing to do with his media scandals. He also stressed that it is not due to a fight with Nicole Neumann or the recent dismissal of his partner from the club of which he was technical director for a few months.


Mica shared an image on her social networks where she can be seen in bed and in very bad condition. She confessed that she has the flu and has been sick for several days. Despite her care, she still cannot recover.

To make matters worse, his son Lucas is in the same situation. But for her good luck, the little one takes it with humor, at least that’s how she explained it in the image she uploaded to her Instagram.“He always makes her cool even if she feels bad”wrote.

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