Martín Ku’s explosive reaction to an unexpected claim by Edith Hermida against his girlfriend – The USA Print Magazine


Martin Ku, one of the favorite former participants of Big BrotherHe said everything he thinks about his girlfriend, Marisol, He renewed the image of his face by having his nose done, after a harsh complaint from Edith Hermida in a program. “Is the same person... “Let what has to be done be done.”

“Your girlfriend came into the house with a different nose and you didn’t even realize it,” Edith asked Martín live in Blessed Tevé, by The 9, about the important aesthetic detail that Chino’s couple has and that, at first glance, the former reality show participant did not notice when his girlfriend entered the house to share a few days with him.

“No, for me it was her. It’s the same person,” Ku responded to Hermida’s claim, with the same calm tone of voice that he demonstrated during the almost 7 months that he was isolated from everything to compete in the program. Then he made it clear what his position is regarding the image retouching that his partner underwent when he underwent surgery to renew his face.

“It’s fine with me. Let’s do what has to be done”Martín pointed out, supporting everything that Marisol decides regarding possible changes that she wants to make, considering that if it is something his girlfriend needs, he is willing to support her.


Martín became the first participant of G.H. which, at a global level, managed to overcome and win more leader tests throughout all the editions that were held in different countries. It also meant that she was consecrated with that “title” in what was the longest edition seen, so far, in Argentina.

To list, the awards that Chino won were: orn perfume from an expensive brand, five sets of clothes, a PlayStation 5, boots, a lipstick, smart lights, a Smart TV, a washing machine that he gave to a friend, two smartphones and a prefabricated house.

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