Martín Ku swore to do what was necessary to eliminate Fury from Big Brother – The USA Print Magazine


Last Wednesday, June 12, one of the strongest fights of the current edition of Big Brother took place. Furia and Martín said everything to each other, thus causing a scandal. After this, he declared that he will go all out to eliminate his new enemy.

It all started when they were debating which family member should leave the most famous house in Argentina. Juliana I wanted to get the girlfriend out of Chinese, while he obviously didn’t think the same. That’s why the discussion quickly became heated.

During the fight, the personal trainer expressed about her partner’s partner:“I don’t want her to stay. First because she took her asshole with my sister and looks at me with faces that I don’t like. She’s an asshole actress. I told you in your face. She envies me for who I am, but that’s not me.” “It’s my problem. It’s very different from the relationship I have with you. I’m tired of the Fayuta people.”.

Ku He stood up and went to face Juliana. “Mari is not a fayuta, eh. That’s all I’m going to tell you: Mari is not a fayuta. Don’t say again that Mari is a fayuta”, Told him. Then, Scaglione he retorted: “I’m tired of these assholes coming to look at me with a blank face. I’m fed up. I didn’t do anything to anyone. I don’t have to take shit. It seems disrespectful to me”.


In a talk he had with his friends, Martín lamented the loss of his girlfriend and stressed that he will do everything to win: “Dude, it’s all or nothing for the game. I didn’t let Mari go for anything and so did your old lady. It’s one day but it’s a lot. It’s a lot so… friends, make it worth it”.

Nicholaswho lost his mother in the same way as his partner, joined the strategy of Chinese and promised to support him in whatever he needs: “Yes, it’s a lot. Everything we do is a lot. We do things for a reason. The tintu (Marisol) understood everything”.

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