Markel Zubizarreta resigns as director of women’s football at the federation | Football | Sports


Markel Zubizarreta, director of women’s football at the RFEF, announced this Friday afternoon that he will leave his position “due to a proposal from the world of clubs” that he described as “irrejectionable”, “especially taking into account the family context and level of personal growth.” ”.

“I announce that this week I will end my relationship with the Royal Spanish Football Federation. It has been a difficult decision, tremendously complex. The world of football, especially in the context of clubs, is very active at this time of year and the decision is made in response to a proposal from the world of clubs that I honestly cannot refuse, especially considering the family context and level of personal growth,” he said.

Markel Zubizarreta had arrived at the federation in November as the head of women’s football. The arrival in Las Rozas of the architect of the best Barcelona was interpreted as a full stop, a breath of fresh air, after the previous very complicated months that had been experienced at the federation headquarters after the kiss of former president Luis Rubiales to Jenni Hermoso, which was the culmination of a crisis that had broken out almost a year earlier when 15 players sent an email asking not to be selected due to their distance from the methodology of former coach Jorge Vilda.

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