Lucero Mijares, the voice that defies criticism


In January 1997, two of the most important celebrities in entertainment got married in Mexico: Lucero Hogaza León and Manuel Mijares. The wedding took place on January 18 at the Colegio de las Vizcaínas, located in the historic center of Mexico City, and was televised and hosted by Silvia Pinal. “It was a bummer!” says Lucero Mijares (Mexico City, 19 years old), youngest daughter of the famous ex-couple. Lucerito or The baby, As he is popularly known, it took him a long time to understand how famous his parents were and what they meant to an entire generation. She tells it with humor. “We almost didn’t go out, that’s exactly why. But, when we all went to eat together, it was crazy,” says The Baby for a YouTube channel. “People came up to ask for photos and I didn’t understand why they didn’t ask other people for photos.” She adds that she finished assimilating it just a few years ago, when she was 16. “My name is a brand,” she admits.

This 2024 the program will premiere Voice Game, in which renowned singers participate and compete against their own children among music-related challenges. Lucerito participated with his father Manuel Mijares. In X, formerly Twitter, small video fragments stand out, taken from the program, where Lucero Mijares demonstrates the reason for the praise of his voice. “You have a talent for singing and an impressive voice,” Yordi Rosado told him on his radio program. With a smile and a lot of humility Lucero thanks. There are several obstacles that the young star has to overcome to establish the combination of his name and his image. Even now saying “Lucero Mijares” is interpreted as a reference to his parents in the collective imagination.

These short videos have put Lucerito on everyone’s lips and some, mistaking his relaxed and friendly attitude, spoke with too much confidence and exceeded their words. The talent of the young actress and singer was briefly overshadowed by some controversial jokes about her physical appearance. Lucero, her mother, came out to defend her daughter in X; Mijares, father, did the same. The baby seemed calm. “I hate what they say about me,” she told the press.

Being a descendant of famous people and celebrities is not easy, they are even pigeonholed as nepobabies, a term generally used in a derogatory way to refer to those who have obtained recognition in the profession that their parents master only because they are their children and not because they actually have a talent for it. Lucero Mijares participates, in addition to the program Voice Game, in the play El Mago, released in June of last year. It is still on the theater billboards in Mexico City due to the good reception it has had among the public. The baby has already shown that she has talent, she recognizes that her position is privileged, but that she does not abuse it. She moves through the turbulent waters of the show with charisma, but the daughter of the most famous ex-couple in America still has a way to go.

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