Licha Navarro revealed the secret agreement between Furia and the production of Big Brother – The USA Print Magazine


In Big Brother Everything is happening and reality is starting to get much more striking outside than inside the house. The departure of Rage It marked a before and after, but now it became much more acute with the elimination of Chino.

Just yesterday and after a week outside, Juliana was placed again with all her classmates, only this time it was a peculiarity because they went from being in the stands to the floor, and of course she was in the front row.

In the midst of everything that is being talked about and said regarding the special treatment that Juliana receives from the production, and that it is now said that she asked to renegotiate her contract when she found out about all the money she earned from Telefe, Lisandro Navarro came out to break the silence and recognized that it is true about the differences with the rest.

Licha, who always maintained a special back-and-forth with Scaglione, but who was very critical at the time because of the violent attitudes he had, acknowledged that it is okay that she has certain privileges and that she understands it because she is the true figure.

We saw it for very little time because when we went to court they quickly took us to the side and when the program ended they kicked us out more or less. We had to leave very quickly, I couldn’t talk to her“, Lisandro began by saying.


In his appearance for Net TVin the program Gossip, they asked him why no one can get close to Fury. Among the comments she made Anama Ferreira about being a star and so on, Licha told of the meeting that the former GH participants had to complain about the unequal treatment that exists.

Yesterday there was that discussion prior to the debate. There was a talk between the little brothers with part of the production. I see that there is a lot of ego and many people are bothered by the place given to Fury. They don’t understand that she was the great protagonist of Big Brother”explained Lisandro.

Beyond the differences and friction that they may have had at the time, Licha knows that Juliana is the star of the current edition of GH and even asked that he not be made to avoid the angry ones. “What she generated at the canal door… I called to be allowed to pass through the same place, people went to show her their affection”Navarro stated.

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