Josefina Pouso supported Rolando Barbano and told why Marina Calabro is like Baby Reindeer – The USA Print Magazine


Josefina Pouso is a woman who almost always makes controversial statements. On this occasion she spoke about the scandal between Marina Calabro and Rolando Barbano. She took his side and treated his sister. Iliana Like a Baby Reindeer.

The journalist’s words were made in Beautiful morning, on radio Splendid: “Let’s warn him that, if it is not reciprocated, it is not good for him to expose it that way. And even more so that the son was there. He exposed it and it was obvious that it was going to appear everywhere”.

“If they are not together, according to what Barbano said, you cannot expose it like that. Everything is fine with what happens to her, but what happens to the other sucks an egg. He is not having respect for what the other has evidently done.” order”sentenced Calabro and Barbano.

To all this, The Criti He got into the conversation and theorized: “For me there is something here: what if they are dating and he hides her?”. What Pouso answered: “Well, but you have to agree on something. If they came back, they must have agreed on something. And it seems to me that someone is breaking that agreement.”.


After Josefina’s statements, one of the members of the program decided to contribute his view of the subject.“The first thing that was done when this happened was to punish him. They called him ‘ungrateful’, how could he not answer”he expressed forcefully.

To end the controversy, Pouso explained why he considers Baby Reindeer to Marina Calabro: “When I saw her dedication and then I saw his award I said ‘Baby Reindeer’. She is Baby Reindeer. Please have a friend tell her that she doesn’t give”.

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