Jorge Javier Vázquez reveals the reason why he considered leaving television



Jorge Javier Vazquez He is one of the most followed and acclaimed presenters in the world of television. And despite being involved in strong controversies with some of his colleagues on numerous occasions, his work at Telecinco has been exceptional for many. Even so, Jorge decided last night to surprise everyone by revealing the reason and the moment in which he seriously considered leaving television.

“I have thought about it, yes, recently. I am 50 years old and I have thought that I could enjoy my time more. I have fantasized a lot about having sabbatical years and leaving everything, but it would not go well for me. I have not been as happy as I am now working. For “It would be very dangerous for me to have free time and it would not end well.”Jorge Javier began by saying after the question about leaving his job and television.

To which he added about the fame that his work has given him:
“There is life after fame but it is completely unknown. I have had a very good time but also very bad, very bad…”.

And under the attentive gaze of his companions who could not believe what they were hearing, he added:
“I already know that I’m not going to end badly, but I could have. Until you experience fame you don’t know how shocking it is, you experience things that most mortals do not experience”.