Jordan Díaz achieves the gold medal in triple jump in the European athletics competition and breaks the Spanish record with a jump of 18.18m | Sports


This Tuesday, Jordan Díaz won the gold medal in the triple jump at the European Athletics Championships, with a mark of 18.18 meters, which is a new record for Spain and also for the continental competition. The athlete born in Havana 23 years ago competed for the first time with the Spanish jersey, three years after he left the Cuban team’s concentration to go live in Guadalajara to train with Iván Pedroso. His great rival, the Portuguese born in Santiago de Cuba, Pedro Pichardo, 30 years old, has won the silver medal, with a jump of 18.04 meters. In third place, the Frenchman Thomas Gogois with 17.38 meters.

(Breaking news. There will be an update soon)

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