“It pains me that he makes that his life” – The USA Print Magazine


Maxi Guidiciformer participant of Big Brother, has returned to the media to talk about his mental health and the support he received during difficult times. In a recent interview with Juan Etchegoyen on Miter Live (Radio Mitre), Guidici shared his experience and expressed his disappointment with the latest winner of the reality show, Marcos Ginocchio.

When asked if someone from Big Brother had defrauded him in recent months, Guidici did not hesitate to point out Ginocchio: “With all sincerity I am going to tell you, what is happening to me gives me pain and sadness. He wrote to me at my limit (his suicide attempt), we wrote two or three messages and then he didn’t write to me anymore.”

Guidici explained that he hoped to maintain a closer relationship with Marcos, remembering the moments shared in the reality show house: “Honestly, he is a person with whom I want to chat, eat a barbecue and remember what we experienced. I wrote to Marcos again in these months and he did not respond to me again.

I reacted on social networks to some publications he made and nothing. Surely, he must have trouble with so many people looking for him, it’s like the disappointment of feeling that I don’t see that simplicity that I saw from him today, at least reflected to me.” he continued.

Furthermore, Guidici confessed that he would have preferred Nacho Castañares to win the final instead of Ginocchio: “I wanted Nacho to win the final, I knew that Marcos would arrive for sure and the Marcos fandom killed me. Maybe, in some way, he ended up believing it, inside the house we loved each other very much.”

Maxi continued describing the situation with Marcos: “Your world is a mess of messages, I am not the one to respond to me. He is a very calm boy. He is a mess on the boys’ cell phone. When I attempted suicide he wrote to me and he told me that we were going to get together to have a barbecue and he mentioned God to me. It was something very nice what he told me, a spiritual message he gave me.”

The former participant stressed that, although he understood the number of messages and the hustle and bustle that Marcos Ginocchio’s life entails after winning the reality show, he still feels personal disappointment due to the lack of communication. The simplicity and humility that Guidici saw in Marcos seem to have been lost in the midst of chaos and fame.

This situation has generated a feeling of sadness in Guidici, who hoped to maintain a close friendship with Marcos after the reality show. The lack of response to her messages and the absence of interaction on social media have deepened her disappointment.


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