“It is a spiritual proposal” – The USA Print Magazine


In times where people, perhaps, are so in need of a word of encouragement, a moment of listening and accompaniment, one of the most well-known and beloved entertainment journalists in our country will offer a meeting for all audiences in a different setting, the theater.

For the first time, Marcela Taurus will be presented on stage with an intimate and spiritual show. It is called Hand in Hand with the Taurus, in divine time, and it will be next July 5th in the Multiscene Theatera, in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires. “I will do a single function…”, the panelist told him Intruders in the showat noon Americato The USA Print Magazine.

“I will have a more than special guest who, for now, I am going to preserve who it is because I want it to be a surprise for all the people… The idea is to follow the same line of spiritual encounters that I usually do through my Instagram “, Marcela said.

“I do this with the idea that the public does live therapies. They asked me to do more than 1 performance but, for now, I can’t due to the issue of time. It’s going to be nice to meet face to face with the public , a moment to share among all that promises to be very special”, Taurus announced just over a week after taking the stage.


It is a toxic relationship, that is why we are not going to understand it. Because one says one thing and the other says another“, Marcela expressed, on the air, a few days ago, in the midst of the scandal over the declaration of love that Marina made live to Barbano, at the delivery of the Martín Fierro Awards.


I’m going to tell you why Marina was feeling bad before the ceremony. Marina was not going to go to the Martín Fierro family and neither was he, because they had a trip. She invites him on a trip to London“Tauro detailed, about the details that were happening between the scandalous sentimental conflict between the journalists, who knew how to be a couple and who are now, in principle, estranged.

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