Isabel Pantoja stops the judicial battle



Isabel Pantoja She cannot hide that she is facing what, according to her, is the worst stage of her life. There is no comparison with anything. The betrayal of her son Kiko Rivera has left her sunk and almost powerless. She is devastated, she still doesn’t believe what is happening and she spends her days waiting for the wind to blow in another direction. She is lost and aimless in a reality that seems more like an endless nightmare. Maybe that’s why,
Pantoja doesn’t want any more problems.

Although he does not watch television and hardly consumes information through his mobile phone, he is aware that far from Medina Sidonia the perfect storm has broken out. He knows that
His personal affairs feed much of the television programming and that everything that happened in that apparently gruesome past is now more topical than ever. The pressure is such that Pantoja has decided that, for the moment, he is not going to start any more judicial war.

He has ordered his lawyer Cinthya Ruiz, his representative in matters of right to honor and privacy, to stop any action that had been initiated against collaborators or television programs. This decision does not prevent, in any case, the procedures from being resumed when the tide goes out. Isabel wants the damage caused to be compensated, but when she has enough strength to testify before the judges and demonstrate that the latest events and statements have destroyed her public image.

Pantoja also does not have much desire to get into legal conflict with her husband’s children. While waiting for new movements, Isabel is well advised and it is her brother Agustín who acts as an intermediary between the singer and her lawyers. He has also given orders that none of the pending issues be a matter of conversation or
discussion in Cantora. You don’t want there to be more tensions in an already charged environment.

Want reconciliation

Although the pain is flagrant and the humiliation has been public, Isabel wants to reconcile with her son, but she does not know how or when it will happen. Pantoja is convinced that her son is being totally manipulated by a new environment that, in her opinion, is excessively hostile. It is not true that she blames Irene Rosales for her estrangement, but she does believe that she should measure her words much more on her television. Irene knows what Isabel is like and how little she likes to be talked about. She even hers. Until
Anabel, his niecehas received more than a slap on the wrist.

The health of Doña Ana, Isabel’s mother, is increasingly deteriorating. Her fight against her illness of forgetfulness forces Isabel and Agustín to be permanently on alert. As ‘Hoy Corazón’ has learned, in recent days the octogenarian has suffered a deterioration as if she were aware of that
media tsunami that Cantora has devastated. In stoppage time, Isabel tries to ensure that her mother has the best quality of life and that her music helps her feel a little better. It is the best therapy.