Irene Rosales against Isabel Pantoja: “A 5-year-old girl does not deserve it”


The war that keeps Kiko Rivera with
Isabel Pantoja has ended up affecting his daughter, little Ana. As he has reported
Irene Rosales in ‘Viva la vida‘ (Telecinco), the little girl received congratulations from her grandmother although the collaborator
It didn’t seem “appropriate”.

The congratulations came in the form of an audio sent directly to Irene Rosales, an audio that, as she said, “in my opinion, I
“I wouldn’t have sent that type of audio.”

Although he did not want to go into details about what he said in that audio, he did state that
“It could have been done differently”. “Has she apologized for anything?” Emma García asked him. “No, no. It is true that, apart from the arguments between mother and son,
a girl is not aware of that. My daughter just turned five years old, the first year that her grandmother, my mother, (Isabel Pantoja) died.
She is the only grandmother he has… Even though you are sick, I would have sent him with a different spirit, with other ways, and only for the girl,” he responded.

In that audio there are parts that have offended Irene Rosales. “As the circumstances are,
“I don’t like it when he sends me this type of audio.”he declared, and added: “I have said it a thousand times, (Isabel Pantoja) has my cell phone to find out about the girls. If the girl has not listened to the grandmother for a month and a half, two months, yes You will listen to it on your birthday,
I would have limited myself to ‘congratulations, my life, have a great time, enjoy a lot and that’s it’.

Kiko Rivera has refused to listen to that audio and as Irene Rosales has stated, the DJ “is not that he is better, but day that passes, day that
a little more damage is accumulated for not having any type of relationship with the mother”.