“I’m very alone” – The USA Print Magazine


More than two months ago it was known that Cande Molfese had separated from Gaston Soffritti. Obviously that moment was very hard for her, but luckily she was able to heal. Although she recently got homesick again, as she feels lonely and talked about the worst thing about being single.

It should be remembered that the actors decided to end their relationship after disagreements as a couple. He wanted to start a family with children and the whole package, while she had another idea and preferred to continue as they were.

However, the actress was able to let go of the past and moved on with her life. What’s more, in a radio interview she recently got she revealed what the advantages of being single were. Something very contradictory to what she said recently.

“You have your times. I am quite organized and my order is mine, seeing my house with my energy and my order is beautiful. Another advantage, which people tell me no because I am going to say no, is feeling desired. I write to myself with a lot of people, flirting amuses me“, held.


Through the Instagram question and answer box, Cande told what the worst thing about being single is. At least according to her criteria. “I would think that the most difficult thing is that people are in a relationship in general. Like I feel like the world is passing by in twos”said.

On the other hand, the artist clarified: “I really like being alone, walking alone – although I’m always with Almendra – travelling alone, eating alone. None of that bothers me, but a lot of people are in a relationship. Let go, fulfil the cycles.”.

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