“I was about to fall asleep and…” – The USA Print Magazine


The life of Caramelito Carrizo changed forever on January 11, 2022, when his brother Martina renowned musician who was in the best rock bands, died after fighting a severe illness.

But all that anguish and pain he experienced, he managed to transform it into art and pour it onto a stage. The former member of Saturday Bus launched his one-man show, “I just wanted to tell you“, which talks about the artist’s early departure and what his life was like.

I wrote it recounting the bond with my brother. It is the chronicle of my life and what it meant for me to be born next to him. I tell this story to him in a letter I write to him.. I tell him that I want to tell him everything that happened from the time I was born until he died, on January 11, 2022.”, commented Caramelito.

After everything that was her romantic scandal with Coco Sily, the separation from her husband and the subsequent reconciliation, Caramelito is in a very good moment. This work brought out the best in her and she was moved to tears when remembering the process she went through to reach this work.


A year after his death I was about to fall asleep one night and I started singing Winter Confessions in my head and I began to understand… Martín and I listened to that song a lot when we were little. And I said ‘oh, what this song is saying seems as if it were recounting Martín’s last time’“, he said in an interview with the Public TV.

That moment marked a before and after for Caramelito, who did not hesitate to move forward fully with that project: “From that feeling I had with Winter Confessions, I found that other songs of ours – I say ours because we composed music together for my boys and girls – also had lyrics now written for him. All of that was transformed into a play and it is the chronicle of my life with those songs and those poems.“.

And at the end he also added: “It is his joy that he is there… I raised a white flag and waved it saying ‘Carrizo! Reed!’ And I swear he is there, and how could he not be there if in my 30 years of work he was there and I was with him? This work is as if it were the one we did together without being physically together“.

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