“I don’t want to have…” – The USA Print Magazine


Within hours of probably leaving the house Big Brother after the hand in hand with Fury, Martin Ku he told everything to Emmanuel Vichthe satellite player of the shave who managed to adapt to everything to survive in the game that is weeks away from ending.

The shouting match took place in the garden, after the very spicy nominees’ dinner in which Furia and Emmanuel played their role: almost not letting Chino speak and defenestrating him in every way. Even, as Ku later pointed out to Emma, ​​treacherously falsifying reality.

“Stop it, I don’t want any guy to boss me around in this house anymore. I don’t want anyone to lead me anymore, I don’t want to be bossed around. I’m going to do what I want… inside the house. “He sucks my egg”Emma had said, implying that Chino was a macho man and that she “threatened.”

Angry after listening to the man from Córdoba, Ku stood up: “I don’t like it when you say things that aren’t true. I don’t like it when you tell lies. I understand that it’s a game, but I don’t like lies. I understand it from Juliana but… from you? Spot. “I don’t want to have arguments with you.”. And she left, without giving him room for a reply.


The nominees’ dinner was a breaking point in the relationship between Furia and Chino, who finally had to receive the worst from the shaved girl, who was fast and cunning when it came to confronting her opponents, always faithful to her strategy of attack and not let anyone talk, without getting a bullet.

“Laugh at me now. I saved your ass a lot of times, gil. I’m going to fight you until 9 at night, so your face falls off, I kept laughing at women, do you hate them that much?”cast Fury, to which Ku responded: “I don’t laugh at women, you are the one who mistreats and speaks ill of all women. Apart from that, it is you who screams and you do it for fun.”

Later, Martín reflected in the confessional about the end of his friendship with Juliana: “I think it was because of the game. She reacts in different ways depending on the instance of the game and what she perceives. She is very reactive. She suddenly jumps and goes one way, jumps and goes the other. “It’s what we’ve been seeing for a long time.”

Regarding the feelings he has or had for his Big Brother partner, he said: “When we talk about a relationship, it can be said that we even loved each other, but when the limits are crossed it is no longer the same. I would love for Juliana to leave the house.”

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