How was the awkward face-to-face meeting between Rodrigo Lussich and Flor de la V – The USA Print Magazine


Rodrigo Lussich and Florencia de la V They are dragging around a tension that originated from conflicting opinions that were brought to the public arena on their respective television shows. That is why the situation they experienced together on Thursday night took on enormous magnitude.

It turns out that the Uruguayan and the host of Intrusos participated in an event of the magazine Gente, under the motto of celebrating diversity, which took place at the Palacio Alsina. The spotlight was on the movements of both at that meeting and thus the behavior of both came to light.

Lussich himself told everything that happened and mainly his position regarding the organizers’ request to pose for a cover, in which they positioned themselves body to body. The man from Socios del espectáculo said: “Flor, when I was taking individual photos…”.

As for the precise moment when they exchanged greetings, Rodrigo said: “It was just time to approach the photo location. She was already standing there where I had to approachr”. About that moment, the Uruguayan stated: “As the gentleman that I am, I approached her, and she responded very kindly.”.


When it came to graphing the atmosphere, the climate that was in the air, Lussich clarified: “It’s not that the air was cut with a knife, nothing like that.”. And he also considered: “If Flor had had any qualms about posing with me it would have been a scandal, by the way.”.

Driven by a conciliatory speech, as a kind of dedramatization of the conflict that arose last year, Rodrigo noted with grace and complicity: “I wanted the bow that was on the dress to show off”.

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