How to mute or unmute something on Instagram

Art of an Instagram icon next to the muted audio icon
Instagram allows you to silence posts and notifications of direct messages (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog)

The Mute function on Instagram allows you to stop viewing updates on photos, videos and text from other people without having to unfollow or block them.

It is possible to mute someone on Instagram completely, hiding Stories, posts and profile notes, or choose a specific content format that you want to stop viewing.

The procedure can be reversed at any time, if you wish to receive the content updates from the muted account again.

Instagram also allows you to mute direct messages and links so you do not receive notifications about conversations in the app. This function can be activated or deactivated in the DMs area of ​​the application.

See how to activate, delete or mute on Instagram.

How to mute or unmute Stories, posts and notes on Instagram

This alternative allows you to manage better when Instagram content formats are muted. Follow the step by step below to silence or throw away any silence on Instagram.

1. Open the “Explore” guide in the Instagram application

Open the Instagram application on your cell phone and touch the magnifying glass icon, on the bottom left corner of the screen, to access the “Explore” guide.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access the search guide on the main page

2. Touch the search and search the user profile to mute/unmute

Tap the “Search” field, at the top of the app screen, and search to find out which you want to change the silent status.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to search a profile

3. Accessing the profile indicates that it will be silenced or silenced

Tap on top of the profile you want to change or the silent status to continue.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access a profile in the search web

4. Tap the “Following” button to see the Instagram Mute function options.

Tap the “Following” button, below the profile description, to open Jane with the interaction options.

Printing the Instagram application uses a button to indicate the "Following" button and open the interaction options

5. Tap “Mute” to activate or deactivate the silence

Tap the “Mute” option and then use the selector keys to individually activate or deactivate the display of Posts, Stories or Profile Notes:

  • Activate the selector key to hide the display of a content format. When this happens, use the blue key;
  • Deactivate the selector key to view the content categories again. When this happens, the key is on the window.
Print of the Instagram application shows how to silence a profile

How to mute someone's hair Stories on Instagram

You can mute the content of a profile from the Instagram Stories bar, on the main screen of the application. This is a more practical alternative to silence a story without needing to access the profile in question.

1. Open the Instagram home screen and long tap the story icon

Tap and secure the Story icon with the profile image of the person you want to mute on Instagram. Wait to open a submenu, at the bottom of the screen.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access and mute a profile in the Stories bar

2. Tap “Mute” to see Instagram muting options

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access and mute a profile in the Stories bar

3. Escolha deseja silenza o story o story e pubações

Choose between the options “Mute story” or “Mute story and posts” from the profile in the pop-up menu that appears on the app's screen so you don't see someone's story on Instagram.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access and mute a profile in the Stories bar

How to mute messages and links on Instagram

The Mute function for direct messages and links is different from muting Stories and posts in the Feed. Basically, you silence the mobile push notifications when the silenced people send DMs or try to flirt with the social network app.

The muted profile will continue to send messages, as long as you can see and respond to conversations. A silenced count is signaled as a risky fate icon. This function does not interfere with the display of other content (Stories, publications and notes).

1. Open direct messages on Instagram

Open the Instagram application on your cell phone and touch the direct message (DM) icon, at the top right of the web.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access direct messages

2. Access a button to manage Instagram silence status

Search for a conversation on Instagram Direct and tap on it to open the screen.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access direct messages

3. Touch the name of the person, on the top of the fabric

Touch the person's name, at the top of the screen, to access the direct message options menu.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to access the direct message options

4. Tap “Mute” to set the duration of the resource

At the message options, tap the “Silence” option, displayed by the fate icon, to continue.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to silence profile notifications in the direct message options

5. Activate or deactivate the Mute of Instagram for messages and links

Use the selector keys to activate or deactivate the message and link notifications. Choose to mute the profile notifications for 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours or “Até or alter”.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to silence profile notifications in the direct message options

What happens when someone is silenced on Instagram?

When you silence something on Instagram, the social network stops showing new Stories, Feed posts and/or notes. However, you can search and visit the muted profile at any time to see the posted content.

Silenced people continue interacting with their profile. For example, she can send direct messages and comment on posts in her feed or Stories. There are also no restrictions and everyone can see the interactions between the muted profile and your voice.

The Mute function is recommended so that you want to stop viewing someone's posts temporarily, but do not want to unfollow or block people. The resource can be disabled at any time.

Can muted people see my Stories and posts on Instagram?

Sim. Muted people can see your posts in your feed and your Stories normally. To prevent it from accompanying your content, it is suggested to use the Instagram function to hide someone's Stories.

Can you mute someone on Instagram for a predetermined time?

Instagram does not allow you to predetermine a time period for pulling or muting posts. The posts do not feed, no Stories or Notes will only be displayed again when you deactivate the resource in the muted user profile.

Only message notifications from a profile can be silenced for a predetermined time. Please do not receive alerts from a specific person for 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours or indefinitely (“Até eu alter”).

Can I see that I am silent on Instagram?

Sim. To see all the people who are silenced on Instagram, open your profile, access the main menu of the social network (three-line horizontal icon), enter “Settings and privacy” and tap “Muted accounts”.

Print of the Instagram application shows how to view the list of muted accounts

What is the difference between muting and blocking Instagram?

If you block someone on Instagram, your profile will be hidden from the blocked user. He will not be able to search your account, access your contents or send direct messages.

If you silence a person on Instagram, you choose not to see their content updates, but rather stop being a follower. Muted people can still see your posts and interact with your profile.

What is the difference between muting and unfollowing on Instagram?

You must receive updates on published content both by muting and unfollowing people on Instagram. Meanwhile, the Mute function is seen as a better way to avoid people's posts, while unfollowing can cause discomfort, especially when it is a friend or acquaintance closer to you.

Also, if you stop following a private account on Instagram, you will no longer be able to see the user's posts or access your profile. Even if you simply silence a private account, you still have access to the posts directly from the person's profile.

How do I know if I was silenced on Instagram?

There are no concrete ways to know if you have been silenced on Instagram. The social network also does not send a notification to inform when this action is done by another person.

However, it is possible to perceive some sinais that indicate a possible silence on Instagram:

  • The user deixou de engajar with his posts: The first sign to check if you may have been silenced on Instagram is to notice that people have stopped working and/or commenting on their posts, but continue engaging in other people's photos and stories.
  • Stop watching your stories on Instagram: The person no longer appears in the viewing list of your story. Ask a friend if that's something I'm going to tell you.

In both cases, people may only be in a moment of pause or more overwhelmed by social networks. These sinais may lead to the conclusion that you have been silenced on Instagram, but there are no definitive means for this, how to discover if you have been blocked or restricted on the platform.

How to mute or unmute something on Instagram

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