How to clean your headphones, step by step | Your Technology | The country


Those who usually use earbuds or in-ear headphones – the kind that are inserted into the ear canal – can do a little test: looking at them carefully, you will surely see that sweat, dust and even wax accumulate in them, clogging the ear canals. controllers. And it is not only a question of hygiene, due to the bacteria and microbes that are deposited on them, but this dirt causes the components to deteriorate, the audio quality suffers and the music is heard more and more slowly. a lower volume.

If the headphones are also type true wireless —without any cables, like the AirPods or the Galaxy Buds—, we can also look inside their charging case: indeed, dirt has also been deposited there every time we store them; Over time, it can damage the charging contacts and, as a result, they will end up not charging properly.

Although the first idea to clean everything could be to use water, it is not the most appropriate. Not even in the models whose technical specifications specify that they are resistant to it. How to sanitize them then without running the risk of damaging them? There are multiple cleaning kits on the market that already include everything you need to do it —like these, what do they cost around 10 euros—or pens to clean headphones, with very fine tips and some accessories for this and other devices.

Even so, these specific products are not essential, and the key to achieving a thorough cleaning is found in three elements: alcohol, chamois or microfiber cloths – any will do, as long as it is clean and does not release lint – and a brush soft bristles. And although it is an easy process at first glance, it must be done very carefully to avoid damaging the headphones, since they have some very sensitive areas, such as the mesh and the charging connectors.

The first thing would be to remove the removable elements. There are usually not many; Mainly, the pads if that specific model has them. As long as they are made of silicone, rubber or plastic, they can be washed with water and neutral soap. If they have been made with leather, a damp chamois is better. For the headphones themselves, the most appropriate thing is to use a cloth soaked in alcohol, although not just any will do: ideally it is isopropyl alcohol, since it is a specific product for cleaning and disinfecting. It is easily found in almost any physical or online store in the cleaning section; But, if you don’t have one, you could replace it with a disinfectant wipe and even hydroalcoholic gel. And the most complicated part remains, the mesh, which in no case should come into contact with this cleaner and on which the brush must be used very carefully and without applying excessive pressure.

For the case, in the case of headphones true wireless, experts recommend a damp cloth for the exterior and cotton swabs dipped in isopropyl alcohol for the interior, as they will help reach all the nooks and crannies. It is important that they do not leave lint, be careful with the charging contacts and do not put the headphones back inside until everything is dry. And if they have cables, with the cloth and alcohol they will be like new.

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