Here are the Big Brother finalists! Gastón Trezeguet’s survey that reveals a strong elimination – The USA Print Magazine


Big Brother is about to be defined and tonight the three finalists of the contest will be known. With some unimaginable surprises at this point in the reality show, that are not Rage or the Chinese Martin Kuwas an unthinkable scenario until a few weeks ago.

Nico Grosman, who was the one who had everything to go, was the first to secure a place in the final. While Darío Martínez Corti, Bautista Mascia and Emmanuel Vichare the three that remained on the plate and one of them will leave.

As happened every week before there was a definition, Gaston Trezeguetformer GH player and current member of the debate, launched his survey to reveal who will be the new eliminated from the house, according to the popular vote of the people on social networks.

Locating the names of the three nominees, there is a total surprise that will go down as one of the biggest upsets in history if it comes to fruition. With a tiny difference of less than 1%, Bautista is the one who would be leaving the reality show tonight.


Remembering that Furia was one of those who campaigned for the Uruguayan singer to be eliminated, a priori, in the polls there is a clear unification of fandoms that do not want to see Mascia win and do want to see Emmanuel win.

Bautista 48.1%, Dario 47.8%, Emmanuel 4.1%”, are the results that Trezeguet shared. In this way, he begins to take a greater shape of what could happen tonight and Santiago del Moro He will be in charge of announcing it at the gala.

Despite these adverse results for Mascia, his fans do not lose hope of seeing him in the final. That is why they remain firm in their request to remove Emma, ​​an opponent who was in 18 plates and will seek to become strong once again.

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