“Hello, I’m Mel Bri” – The USA Print Magazine


These are very moving days for Melina Lezcano either “former Lezcano”as the former Agapornis singer announced on her networks, where she already presents herself as “Mel Bri”. Because, recently, Melina managed to change her last name and adopt that of Tirso Brizuela, the father of her heart, and in some way close a chapter of her family history.

“Hello, I’m Mel Bri, I have a new last name and a new look. And let everything new come!!!”Melina said on her Instagram account after announcing that, after years of struggle, the man who raised her since she was little with her mother was able to obtain full adoption and give her his last name.

“You don’t know what this little girl wanted to be able to share absolutely everything with her family.”said Melina, upon finding out that she was already Tirso’s daughter before the law. “I always knew I didn’t need the last name to be a part of it, but a part of me always needed it. Today I achieved it and I feel that a new stage awaits me”he added.

The animal rescuer pointed out that this new surname allows her to leave behind “little things that still weighed a little”. “Obviously it is not the last name, I have been doing very strong internal work for quite some time and this is like a little gift for that effort”he indicated.


In addition, the artist shared a private chat with her now legal father on her networks. Excited with the resolution of the Civil Registry, Tirso joked: “Now you’re going to have to listen to me, I’m your official dad.” “Now you’re going to have to give me all your money hahahaha and I’ll have mine!!!” she answered, who thanked the feminist lawyers of La Plata.

“Thanks for the patience. We did it”, expressed Meli, who days before had told his story on his networks, regarding Father’s Day, “like a story” in which he described Tirso as “an angel” that appeared in her life, when she was a girl and was alone with her mother, after being abandoned by her biological father.

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