“He had problems with…” – The USA Print Magazine


A huge scandal shook the entertainment industry this Tuesday after confirming the departure of one of the most important figures in Legally Blonde. The play whose main protagonist is Laurita Fernandezdecided to make a drastic decision.

Among the staff of different celebrities and artists who are a regular part of each of the functions, there was Gonzalo Costathe renowned panelist of Cut through Lozano. And in information that revealed Pampito in America TVwas dismissed from her job.

They say that he already had some problems with production and in a meeting that occurred a few minutes ago, he was informed of the decision. She, of course, wouldn’t have taken it very well. They tell me that she is very hot with the decision“, the journalist began by saying.

As soon as the news broke, a few hours later a statement came out from the production of Legalmente Rubia explaining why her contract was not renewed, one of the main reasons being her work commitments that do not allow her to continue being part of the team.

The production team confirms the non-renewal of his contract in response to his request and accepting his multiple work commitments that prevent him from continuing the season on the bill. “Legally Rubia” will continue to carry out its performances from Wednesday to Sunday and from July 9, also adding Tuesdays“, they commented in the defense they issued.


In a direct communication they had from Pronto Magazine, Costa broke the silence and went out to the intersection with everything. Completely denying some versions that circulated, she told the whole truth and was clear with her departure.

It’s the same message for everyone. I am very exhausted. The work is beautiful and very demanding. And by working so hard I can’t give what they all deserve. It’s very painful but that’s what happened to me.“commented the GH debate panelist.

In addition, he took the opportunity to clarify that it is a lie that he had a bad relationship with his colleagues: “How ugly they say that. It was not so. Who says that? No, it’s not like that, it’s a shame that that is circulating. And it hurts me that they invent like this. We are all workers“.

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