“He got lost” – The USA Print Magazine


María Eugenia Ritó He went through the Army of LAM, a program that is broadcast on Bondi Live, and took advantage of the moment of exposure that is going through Luciano Castro when introducing his new partner to tell that she has a bad experience with him. So much so, that she even stated that she once lost her bearings.

Were you with Lucho Castro?”, one of the members of the program asked María Eugenia Ritó. So she chose to remember a situation that she experienced with Luciano Castro and that left him in a very bad position: “Look, I’m going to tell you an anecdote, it is very misplaced.”

It was very misplaced, I tell you. I was recording in Costumbres Argentinas, where I participated in 10 or 15 episodes, that of Sebastián Ortega. “I only participated, there must have been 10 or 15 gigs,” The guest of the program began by saying.

“He was there permanently, now I don’t remember if it was Customs Argentinas or the Roldáns. Then I was in the dressing room, I was changing, and suddenly he comes in like an airplane. He opens the door and says ‘Give me a kiss.’”revealed María Eugenia Ritó about the uncomfortable moment she experienced.

However, he did not let himself be carried away, he immediately marked the field for Luciano Castro, when they were co-workers in fiction.: “That? Give me a kiss what? Ridiculous, junk, but take it from here.”

After mentioning how he reacted, he marked what bothered him: “I mean, I understand that you’re Castro and everything. Is he strong? Is he cute? Do you like it? Yes, he is divine. But this thing where you come and I’m going to bully you. ‘Come give me a kiss’, but take it and run away from here. And don’t walk past me.”

This machirulo thing. Because my dressing room partner wasn’t there and he opened the door for me, very rude, and I didn’t like that attitude.”expressed the dancer about how much this situation that she experienced several years ago bothered her.

“Because at the last moment you pass me in a hallway, you try to talk to me, you harass me. But he got very close to me, speaking to me here, almost to the lip. I felt it as a kind of aggression, but it may not have been his intention.”, María Eugenia Ritó closed.

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