“He didn’t walk because he didn’t have…” – The USA Print Magazine


Marcelo Tinelli broke the silence after having been the center of multiple criticism because they lifted their program in America, 2 days away from debuting on the Palermo screen. Installed in the United States by Copa America 2024, The driver gave his explanations in detail.

“I don’t know where all this came from, why an extremely normal situation was so magnified. Not a single program of mine was removed from the screen in America, I put it on and I took it out,” Marcelo began in an audio that he sent to Lío Pecoraro already Fernando Piaggio for The run run of the show, by HD Chronicle.

“We arrived in the United States on Tuesday and we had so much material on Wednesday that I myself said let’s put it on the screen in America at night. We said we would do two specials on Wednesday and Friday, one before the game and the other after Thursday’s game. That was the only thing that was scheduled, we decided the day we came on the plane.”

“The program came out, it didn’t do well in terms of ratings, but it didn’t have much promotion and it wasn’t designed for television, we put together things we had from Instagram and uploaded it to the screen in America”, Tinelli added when explaining the reason for lifting his program with his cousin, The Tirri.


“The program came out, it didn’t do well in ratings, but it didn’t have much promotion and it wasn’t designed for television, we put together things we had from Instagram and uploaded it to the screen in America,” Marcelo developed, describing the step that led him, in his own words, to justify the reason that led him to leave his own program airless.

“So this is where it comes from that the American authorities decided to lift it… I don’t understand. I am the programming manager and I said to do it and then I said ‘let’s not do it’, because if we don’t we are going to have the rights on the day it is released. play the game, it is unnecessary to do so.”

“It was that nothing more. From then on I never understood so much cruelty, especially from some colleagues… with envy and resentment, with hatred. I didn’t understand this cruelty, or this thing about ‘they lifted the program’, ‘failure’. The first program did not do well in ratings, but it is logical, it can happen. “Nobody picked it up, I picked it up myself.”Tinelli closed.

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