“Gooolll!” Biden’s campaign takes advantage of the Copa América to go after the Latino vote | Copa América 2024 | Soccer


Everything is ready for the start of the Copa América tonight in Atlanta (Georgia). Messi’s Argentina and Vinicius’ Brazil, with permission from Colombia and Uruguay, start as the main favorites to win the final in Miami on July 14. Behind football, another competition appears in which those who face each other are the president, Joe Biden, and his rival in the November presidential elections, Donald Trump, in search of the Latino vote. The Biden campaign has scored the first goal with a campaign aimed at registering, mobilizing and reaching Latinos in key states. The first ad of that campaign is titled “Gooollll!” and gives a red card to Donald Trump.

The Copa América is expected to be the Most watched Spanish television programming of the year between now and the elections on November 5. Soccer is especially followed by the Latin population in the United States, who frequently support the teams from their countries of origin, and in others the American team. The Copa América will be a key moment to capture the enthusiasm of Latino voters and the growing fan base of American soccer, according to the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign.

The Copa América begins in Atlanta, the main city of the State of Georgia, one of the decisive ones in the November 5 elections. Matches are also being played in Nevada and Arizona, the other two key states in the southern United States. Added to this are competitive matches in Florida and North Carolina, where the electoral result is not completely decided, although the chances of an overturn there are lower.

The campaign began with that ad titled “Gooollll!”, with versions in English and Spanish. It is, obviously, a partisan ad. He tells how four years ago the stadiums were empty across the country due to the pandemic and affirms that Donald Trump failed Americans in managing this health crisis. He then gives credit for the recovery from the crisis to Biden, highlighting the more than 15 million new jobs created during his term and the investments and aid to create new companies, particularly Latin businesses. The ad will be broadcast on television, radio and digital platforms in key states, as well as in the national general market and on Spanish-language television during some matches.

“Our campaign knows the power of working and innovating to win the Latino vote, and today’s historic announcement to organize and mobilize around the Copa América is a perfect example of how to do it,” said the Biden campaign director. , Julie Chavez Rodriguez, through a statement. “Over the next few weeks, we will harness the energy of the Copa América to mobilize and reach the Latino voters who will decide this election, we will be in the media and at the Copa games with a simple message: President Biden “He has supported us throughout his career and is fighting for our community every day, while Donald Trump, who has only failed Latinos, fights for himself, and attacks our community at every opportunity,” he added.

Beyond TV and radio ads, the campaign will also run digital ads at events, billboards and bus stop signs. In addition, it will take advantage of the parties to try to register Latino voters, especially young people, many of whom will participate in an election for the first time.

In all key states, the campaign will host parties, recruit volunteers, and distribute posters, t-shirts, and banners with the Biden-Harris 2024/America’s Cup logo. “It is essential to empower Latino volunteers and supporters with campaign messages about the achievements of the Biden-Harris administration, so that they share their stories with friends and family, since we know that they are the best messengers in their communities,” explains the campaign of Biden, who will also sponsor events at places such as sports bars and restaurants, starting in Nevada and Arizona.

In a perhaps more risky initiative, the Biden campaign wants friends and family who gather to watch the game to take advantage of the break to get into electoral mode. Fans who instead of talking about the goal they just saw, whether or not there was a penalty in a controversial play or how their team is playing prefer to talk about politics will have at their disposal “conversation guides” that the hosts can use “ to engage your guests on how President Biden is delivering for Latino families compared to Trump’s anti-Latino agenda.” Good luck with that.