Gege Neumann told what fear Nicole has shortly after becoming a mother – The USA Print Magazine


Nicole Neumann is pregnant with her first baby boy and she can’t feel any emotion. The famous woman recently married Manu Urcera after two years of relationship and they broke the news of the baby on the way at their wedding party and in the midst of rumors.

As if that were not enough, for a long time Nicole generated mystery with the name of her baby. But in the middle of the great moment that she is going through with her pregnancy, the model got into a strong fight with none other than her mother.

Was Yanina Latorre who months ago told the ordeal he experienced Nicole Neumann because of his mother when he was a teenager. While the woman took it upon herself to deny it and accused her famous woman of using her last name and becoming known to her thanks to her.

But Nicole She remained focused on her pregnancy since she takes care of herself all the time so as not to have problems. In fact, the one that told details of the process that Neumann is going through was nothing more and nothing less than Gegethe blonde’s sister.


Gege Neumann revealed what fear Nicole has shortly after becoming a mother for the fourth time, but the first time she will have a boy. As the model revealed, her sister is quite scared, but she brought peace of mind to her fans.

“The baby doesn’t stop moving, he doesn’t sleep anymore, he gets up all the time to go to the bathroom because he’s full but happy. He’s a little scared, the typical fear that gives birth to someone. We’re with “A lot of anxiety, we really want to see the baby and fill them with kisses.”he said.

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