García Pimienta, new coach of Sevilla | Soccer | Sports


Francisco Javier García Pimienta is the new coach of Sevilla. The 49-year-old Catalan coach signs for two seasons and will lead a regenerative project at the Andalusian club, which is facing a drastic reduction in its budget after failing to qualify for European competition after 12 seasons. Sevilla has already made it official. A complicated scenario arrived at by a coach endorsed by president José María del Nido Carrasco and Víctor Orta, the sports director. “We believe that the coach is best for us at the moment,” the Andalusian club tells this medium. Sevilla needs a coach with ambition, who knows how to develop the talent of young players and who is clear about his line of play. These qualities are observed in García Pimienta, who has had a more than acceptable time on the bench of Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, a team that he has kept in First Division after promoting it to the highest category. He signs for two seasons, as announced by the Andalusian club, although there are clauses in the contract on both sides that would make a premature departure possible. The technician arrives accompanied by a work team made up of three assistants.

García Pimienta will see his salary improved compared to what he received in Las Palmas and will face his second experience in a First Team. He will work in a Seville that has been in full social and sporting combustion for two years. Quique Sánchez Flores achieved permanence in the worst season in the 21st century for the Andalusian team, 14th with only 41 points. The entity, which suffers a delicate economic situation, is a tinderbox because the fans reject the management of the current leaders. The instability is evident in a Sevilla that will have six coaches in just two seasons. The Catalan arrives after the club tested other coaches, such as Jagoba Arrasate, who is going to Mallorca, and Raúl, coach of Castilla y Maresca, who has promoted Leicester to First Division.

García Pimienta has spent almost his entire career as a coach in the lower ranks of Barcelona. He trained from the cadet team to the Catalan reserve team, from where he made the jump to the UD Las Palmas bench. “He has a reconstruction task ahead of him,” Sevilla insist. In the Canary Islands he achieved promotion in 2023 and has kept the yellow team in First Division this season. The second round has not been good, but in the first round there was even talk of UD Las Palmas’ options to play in Europe.

Their teams usually play touch, although Sevilla also values ​​their versatility. There have been moments in which the Canarian team has played in a very direct and vertical way. “A promotion play-off, a promotion and permanence… Together, in two and a half years… Not bad… The objectives have been met, but the connection and union that we have achieved between club, team and fans is really the key of everything, of the present, but above all of the future. I am overwhelmed by the love received. This island, these people and this hobby. You are truly extraordinary. I will be eternally grateful to you,” García Pimienta clarified in a statement to say goodbye to UD Las Palmas this Wednesday. “He is the best coach I have had as president,” highlighted, for his part, Miguel Ángel Ramírez, the president of the Canary Islands team.

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