Enjoy the 'They Create' film festival at the Institut Français | EL PAÍS + for subscribers


Posters of the films that will be screened at the French Institute, within the Ellas Crean Festival.@Institut Français

One more year, on the occasion of the events surrounding Women's Day, the French Institute of Madrid joins the festival They Create and on this occasion to the Polish Institute of Culture, to publicize the artistic creations of women. As an EL PAÍS reader, you can get tickets to enjoy one of the festival's three screenings. Choose your favorite and participate!

Madame Curie (March 11th)

Directed by Marjane Satrapi, Madame Curie is the true and incredible story of the scientist (starring the actress Rosumund Pike) and his work rewarded with the Nobel Prize that changed the world forever. As he discovers unknown radioactive elements, it becomes increasingly clear that his research could lead to applications in medicine that could save thousands of lives, but also to uses in war that could destroy millions of lives.

Marie Curie (March, 15th)

Shortly after the couple Marie Curie and Pierre Curie won the Nobel Prize in Physics, Pierre dies in a tragic accident. Alone with two children, thirty-year-old Marie clings to her scientific studies in a world dominated by men, becoming the first woman to receive a professorship at the Sorbonne University in Paris. A film directed by Marie Noëlle.

Camille Claudel, 1915 (March 21st)

Starring the famous French actress Juliette Binoche and directed by Bruno Dumont, this film is based on the three decades of confinement of the sculptor Camille Claudel in a psychiatric hospital.