Don’t miss the summer comedy: ‘Bad Person’ | EL PAÍS + experiences for subscribers


He July 5th premieres in theaters Bad person, a film directed by Fernando García-Ruiz and starring Arturo Valls. For being a reader of EL PAÍS, get a double entry and attend the preview of this comedy that will take place on Thursday, June 17 at 8:00 p.m. at the Kinépolis Cinemas in Madrid.

The summer comedy comes to the cinemas on July 5! Discover before anyone else Bad persona film starring Arturo Valls next to Malena Alterio, Julian Villagran, Jose Corbacho, Victor Benjumea.

Our dear Pepe, loved by everyone without exception, is the angel of the neighborhood, that human being that you would take home. But one day he receives the terrible news, the one that no one wants to receive: he has only a few months to live. Pepe, “phenomenally” advised by his best friend, decides to go to the dark side of human behavior to keep his family away from him and avoid his suffering. The one that’s going to mess up!