Does the door slam? Bautista Mascia analyzes leaving Big Brother because of Fury – The USA Print Magazine


Everything exploded, at least in appearance. This coexistence with strangers, which already exceeded the barrier of six months, ended up breaking the poor harmony with a pitched battle that fueled, urged and executed Rage when yelling at Martin Ku a mountain of insults about his partner and himself.

The stuntwoman confronted Chino during the survivors’ negotiation about the choice of family members to be eliminated on Wednesday. Locked in a special room, Juliana Scaglione bellowed a huge range of expletives at her and accused her partner’s girlfriend of being a ‘little girl’ and ‘false’, among other definitions.

That discussion provoked Ku’s logical reaction, who defended his partner. And as a collateral effect it ended up breaking Juliana’s relations with The Bros. For this reason, Bautista analyzed the entire event, that war, during the afternoon of Thursday and hinted that bitter and even bitter sensations flooded him. He slipped that he would lower his arms, as a consequence of the fatigue caused by Scaglione’s frequent anger.

This confession occurred in a talk with Nicholas Grossman and Martín at the living room table. “I need someone to come from outside and tell me that this is understood, the only problem is the theme of the show that makes people morbid.“, he expressed in clear reference to Furia’s behavior.


And so came Bautista’s revelation of the boredom caused by the only survivor of the reality show, which could be interpreted as a probability of getting off.: “At this point, everything has an end. Boring post, it’s always the same“. To which Chino added: “Always the same story, repeated figure, how many times did he repeat it? It is a very good figurine, but if it is repeated a thousand times…”.

While Nico also gave his opinion along the same lines: “How do you not want me to laugh? “Always the same thing with different people inventing things to do the same thing”. For this reason, Mascia again repeated her anger with Juliana: “Always the same, first it goes to one, then it goes to another and another. But stay with that.”.

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