“Coy has it…” – The USA Print Magazine


Since before the departure of Rage of Big Brother It was anticipated that outside the reality show a fierce family war full of internal conflicts between her brothers would await her, in which Ezequiel and Andrea Scaglione They agree on one point: they both point to Hammock to act as he sees fit and “handle” Juliana.

The truth is that Coy was always in charge of directing the Furia fandom, he operated directly with Telefe and, according to them, now the woman “shielded” the former player, since she does not allow them to contact her, she tells her what she wants and He intends to continue monopolizing the businesses generated by his now famous sister.

This is what Furia’s older brothers said, in a conversation with Juan Etchegoyen for Mitre Live. First Ezequiel, who exposed Coy’s underhanded and Machiavellian dealings. Now Andrea, desperate because she has not been able to contact Juliana for months.

“Andrea is desperate because she cannot see Juliana or contact her, yesterday Ezequiel revealed that Coy blocked all his brothers and the scandal is total”the journalist said, before playing the audio of the woman, visibly distressed because they won’t let her see her.


“I am very far from Buenos Aires and I want to contact my sister Furia. We are trying with the girls from the fan club to contact Juliana, I need to communicate and meet her but I don’t know how, so if you can help me, it would be great.”the woman is heard saying.

After Andrea’s 35 seconds of audio, the Miter Live host clarified that Furia’s sister confessed to him that she is “proud of Juliana as a sister, after the position she achieved.”

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