China Suárez revealed what is happening to her with Marcos Ginocchio and caused a scandal – The USA Print Magazine


For several months now there has been talk about the relationship that the China Suarez and Marcos Ginocchiothe champion of the last edition of Big Brother. It is clear that there is good chemistry between them and they get along well, but the main questions are whether they are friends, lovers or boyfriends.

There is no doubt that there is a lot of affection between them. This is how they left it reflected in different posts on their social networks, sharing fun moments and different events. It should be noted that they work for the same modeling agency, so it is common to see them together in different situations.

However, the different moments they share make them more than close, so there is always speculation on social networks that there may be a romance between the two. At this time, a strong indication of this came when China shared a photo in bed with the former GH.

In the postcard that she uploaded to her networks, the famous woman published a legend that said “It seems that @marcosginocchio is not coming out,” while the young man could be seen lying in bed, with a cap on his head and sleeping. Obviously the speculation did not take long to arrive and the photo went viral.

This was not just there, since the actress decided to immediately delete the image and minutes later she came out to clarify the versions of an alleged romance with Marcos. Bluntly, she assured that they are “friends” and took aim squarely at his detractors. Why did you upload the photo then? Did she do it on purpose?

It is not the first time they have been shown together. Months ago they coincided on a trip to Mexico, where they also shared a moment of fun. At that time, the man from Salta defended himself by saying that they only met for professional reasons and denied an affair.

However, the recent capture published by the former Casi Ángeles left both of their fans stunned, a situation that made the actress explode with fury. Without filters, and remembering that she has also been linked to a romance with Lauty Gram, she fired at those who do not believe that she can have a friendship with the former Big Brother.

How can it be so difficult for them to understand that a man and a woman are friends? It is impossible to know the Cousin and not love him. “I like him to be in my close environment because he is good at heart and it makes me happy to surround myself with people like that,” the interpreter shot furiously.

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