Carla Royo-Villanova closes a complicated year


2020 has not been the best year for
Carla Royo Villanova. The princess of Panagyurishte has had to close what was her cosmetics company for 13 years, Carla Roses Beauty, a line made with the highest proportion of rose water on the market. But
2021 will be a year of new purposes and projects. ‘Hoy Corazón’ spoke with her and explained what happened: “After years with this cosmetics company I have had to close it. It has been a complicated year, fixed expenses have not decreased but sales have. Many of our clients They were with the stores closed. I fought until the end and I am left with the satisfaction of having tried. Now I can close without owing anything to anyone. In any case, our customers can still stock up on our products that are still on sale. until December 31 and at clearance prices”.

The traveling princess recognizes that this is just another experience: ”
From all stages of life you have to get good experiences and learn. This is just a point and aside. I don’t feel like a failure.” And his small company that he founded after
leave Pedro del Hierroa firm in which he worked for seven years, he only had his own money as collateral, he even had to mortgage his house: “I never received aid from the governments. Not before, not during or after. Now, to make matters worse, they have raised the quota for self-employed workers “We are the most powerful business fabric and it seems that they want to destroy us.”

“I want to continue advancing with my travel book.”

Carla does not stop and will continue with other projects that will become strong in 2021: ”
We closed the cosmetic line, the rest did not. The website is maintained, in fact we have just presented a new and beautiful section,
Carla Selection. In this space I will recommend
gastronomic products and exclusive gifts, so that our clients and friends continue to feel special. We have started with two gourmet boxes with products from the Valle del Tierra and the Sierra de Gredos, and with a very special selection of ceramics. Every month there will be new ideas. “I also continue with my blogs, collaborations in tourism, gastronomic experiences, advice and consulting in tourism and travel organization.”

But 2020 has also been a year of
personal losses. Her grandmother died, leaving her immersed in great sadness: “My two grandmothers were wonderful, unifiers of the family, generous and exemplary in every way. Babala’s death has been very sad, because a precious stage of our lives was definitely closed. , and because thinking that I will never hug her again hurts my soul.

The monarchy in Spain

Another of Villanova’s projects will be to strengthen her role as a traveler. “I want to continue advancing with my travel book,” where she will capture her experiences in countries like
Thailand either
Costa Rica, through their photos. Finally, we also wanted to ask him about the controversy surrounding King Juan Carlos and the effect that his actions could have on the Crown.

There is a slogan to eliminate the Monarchy. I am a monarchist, because according to the Constitution it is the political form of the Spanish state, because it guarantees democratic coexistence, the monarchy is unifying, much more economical for citizens than any republic and because our king is the best ambassador that Spain can have. “They are all advantages, we should support him much more.”