Candela Serrat: “Shaky is one of the most innately educated beings I know”


Candela Serrat Tiffón She was born in Barcelona on November 14, 1986. An actress by profession, she trained at the LAMDA theater school in London and at the William Layton Laboratory in Madrid. She is the youngest daughter of the singer Joan Manuel Serrat and the model Candela Tiffón. Her first jobs were on TV3, in the after-dinner series ‘La Riera’, playing Alba Comas (2012). Years later, she stepped into the shoes of Celia Silva, from the series ‘Six Sisters’, where she became known to the general public. In 2017, she made her first feature film starring in the film ‘Yerma’, an adaptation of the work of the same name by Federico García Lorca, directed by Emilio Ruiz Barrachina.

Candela has developed most of his artistic career in the theater working with directors of the stature of Juan Carlos Pérez de la Fuente, Mario Gas, Francisco Vidal and Joan Ollé…. With the play ‘Dirt Wheat’ by David Mamet, directed by Juan Carlos Rubio, she will end 2020 and begin 2021.

  • In the most complicated Christmas we have known in decades, Candela Serrat has dedicated part of her time to introduce us to a great friend, can we talk about him?
    Yes. His name is Shaky, he is Persian, he is 16 years old and he was my partner’s cat (Daniel Muriel, actor. After three years of dating they got married in 2019. One of his latest works has been ‘El inconvenient’, with Kiti Mánver and Juana Acosta).

  • Shaky, a very nice name.
    Daniel put it on.

  • What are Shaky’s preferences?
    From time to time, it gets into the back of a closet, under a lot of clothes, so we have gone crazy thinking about how it has escaped us, and even though it has done it many times, the next time we are still scared as if it were the first. In addition, he really likes being on the terrace, even though it is colder than in Iceland.

  • Dogs can be educated, is it possible in the cat world to exercise some type of discipline?
    In our case, the truth is that it has never been necessary because he is one of the most innately educated beings I know.

  • When you work or travel, who do you stay with?
    If we go out for just a couple of days or a weekend, we leave him alone, with plenty of food and his water source, and he rations everything himself. If we go longer, some wonderful friend will come up to see him and keep him a little company day in and day out.

  • When they return, how do you receive them?
    When he comes back he wants to be pampered so much that we can’t even sleep at night for a couple of days.

“The girl has nothing but admiration for him.”

  • Your daughter Mérida is almost five months old, how did your cat receive her? Has Shaky been jealous of her?
    He is an older cat and very used to what he does, so at first he might have been jealous, but little by little, over time and seeing that the girl has nothing but admiration for him, we made great progress.

  • In such difficult times, many theaters have raised the curtain. What are your next projects?
    This month I start touring with ‘Trigo dirty’, by David Mamet, directed by Juan Carlos Rubio. We will be touring the rest of this year and 2021. We plan to perform in Madrid in the month of May, at the Reina Victoria theater. And, of course, I continue to be an Ambassador for Peugeot Motocycles with my husband and, specifically, for the Peugeot Pulsion sports scooter, which is a joy to ride because it is very light and dynamic. It’s very comfortable for two people, really.

  • In your profession, who have been your references?
    I have been lucky enough to work with some of them such as Núria Espert, Mario Gas or Pepe Sacristán, but I am even more fortunate to continue discovering new references every day.

The advice is just a guide, what comes next depends on you.”

  • Culture is not always valued to the right extent, what can be done to reverse this situation?
    Listen to each other, dialogue and above all, give it the importance and care that such a precious asset deserves.

  • You are the daughter of Joan Manuel Serrat and Candela Tiffón. Have you received advice from your parents that you have not followed?
    The advice of people who love me has always been welcome and the truth is I think I have always accepted it. But the advice is just that, guides at the beginning of an idea, what comes next depends on you, not on them.

  • She met her husband while filming the series ‘Six Sisters’, on TVE. How does she remember that first meeting?
    When we met on the series we didn’t know each other so it was a wonderful experience working with someone who has become such an important person in my personal life as well as in my professional life (they have worked together in the play ‘A Husband ideal’, by Oscar Wilde).

  • He is 34 years old, I would like to know what your opinion is about the behavior of young people in the face of this pandemic. Are they being stigmatized or is there a certain irresponsibility?
    I want to think that since they are the ones who most publicly expose every detail of their lives on the networks, their irresponsibility is less secret than when committed by adults. Although it also seems that they are the ones who suffer the least from the consequences, which is why we expect exemplary behavior from them.