Cande Molfese told the truth and revealed why she asked Gastón Soffritti to separate – The USA Print Magazine


The echoes of the separation of Cande Molfese and Gaston Soffritti. The boys seemed consolidated, firm as a couple, but things ended. The actress spoke with Socios del Espectáculo and addressed all the topics.

“No, not insistent, Gasti is a very respectful guy, he is the most… he is a great person. But hey, he was capable, he had a conviction, a certainty and I didn’t”said Cande at the outset. “Not everything is so linear and not everything you see on the camera is what happens at home”he indicated later.

Finally, Molfese said: “We came from talks, processes. We love eachother so much. So it’s not an abrupt overnight decision. “They are decisions that mature until they can be carried out.”

For his part, Gastón Soffritti showed on social networks how he is going through this moment of mourning, after two years of relationship. First, the actor decided to temporarily move to a rented apartment. According to him, he will be there for two months, until he can finally return to the Saavedra neighborhood, where he was living with the actress and now his ex-girlfriend.

When these types of situations happen in the lives of celebrities, their followers and fans usually pay close attention to their movements on social networks to find out how they are going through grief. This is how images of Gastón Soffritti were seen returning to his single status.

In the images shared on Instagram you can see the actor eating pizza at a restaurant, reading a self-help book, studying astrology, playing golf, watching football and spending time with his friends. “Trying to find something, he commented.

As for the reasons for the separation, although neither of them made it explicit, the crisis would have arisen from incompatibility of life projects: on the one hand, he wants to be a dad; She, on the other hand, does not consider it among her plans.

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