Camila Deniz abandoned Cuest de Peso and there is a scandal – The USA Print Magazine


Matter of weight He returned to the El Trece screen with the direction of Mario Massaccesi. Since it has been on the air, many mishaps have occurred, one of them was to the Doctor Alberto Cormillot who was absent after suffering an accident domestic worker who fractured some of his ribs.

However, the nutritionist was not the only one who had to be absent from the program for a few days. In Friday’s broadcast, he drew a lot of attention to Camila Deniz (sister of Thiago Medina, former GH) was not in the studio and the driver chose to clarify the situation.

Fridays in Cuestión de Peso are elimination days and it was a very crucial stage for Camila Deniz to hit the foul. It is not the first time that she has been missing it, since weeks ago she suffered an injury to her knee while she was doing an activity.

At that moment she was treated at a hospital and told that she should rest. The young woman was in a lot of pain and she missed the program. But this time she was totally different and Mario Massaccesi, after weighing a participant, decided to clarify everything.


Camila Deniz said that she decided to enter the program after an ugly situation that she had to experience in a bowling alley where she went with friends. At that time, according to what she expressed, a man gave her the nickname “Barney” and this was the trigger for her head to click and change her life.

When the program began, one of the chairs was empty and it was hers. As the program progressed, Mario Massaccesi explained the true reasons why the participant was not in the studio with her colleagues on elimination Friday.

“Camila Camilota is not in competition, She still hasn’t recovered, she’s still miserable. Kisses for Camila Camilota because the flu caught her with everything“said Mario. Then he asked one of his colleagues if he went to visit her and he told him that he had not had time.

“Marcelito, did you go see her yesterday or not at the end?” said the driver and the man responded that “No, I didn’t go to the end. I was late“said the participant, since they live very far from each other and it is difficult to get there.”Camila Camilota lives a little further away than Marcelo. I say to measure the effort of all those who are doing, this mission for their life“, concluded the driver.

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