“Breast squeeze” in exchange for AIDS donation


He “Boob Aid” (Breasts and help) seems to be coming to compete with the “Ice Bucket Challenge” (Frozen Bucket Challenge), although in very different contexts.

A group made up of nine porn actresses in Japan is preparing for a “breast-squeezing” marathon as part of a charity initiative against AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), reported the AFP news agency.

きょおわ24時間テレビの記者会見でした(﹡ˆOˆ﹡)/★人がいっぱい居た( ºΔº )笑 本番が楽しみです(*/ω\*) そしてこれからレッドドラゴン出勤します((o( ´∀`)o)) さいきん全然リプ返せてなくてごめんなさい‥涙 pic.twitter.com/hHHsAcixqB

— 芹野莉奈@AV女優 (@serinorina) August 20, 2014

The event, promoted by Japan Foundation for Aids Prevention, will start this Saturday at 8 pm and will last 24 hours. During this period, participants will be able to touch the actresses’ chests in exchange for a minimum donation of 1,000 yen for the cause.

Those interested in the “Stop! Aids” will be able to follow the event on the adult cable channel Sky PerfectTV!.

“I’m waiting for a lot of people to caress my breasts,” she said. Rina Serina one of the actresses participating in a promotional video. “But I will be very happy if you please do it delicately.”

This is the twelfth time that the initiative launched in 2003 has been carried out. Earlier this year, the Japanese Ministry of Health reported that AIDS cases In the country, in 2013, they reached 484, the highest number since 1984, according to Tokyo Reporter.

Despite its charitable purpose, the “Boob Aid” It has generated conflicting positions between those who support it and those who consider it to be a sexist move.