Blanca Romero breaks her silence and explains why she will not act in ‘Yerma’


And finally,
Blanca Romero speak. A couple of days after Rafael Amargo was arrested for these alleged crimes of drug trafficking and criminal organization and his show ‘Yerma’ was released, a mysterious message from the actress, part of the ‘show’, put on I doubt that he was going to get on stage in the middle of this bailaor scandal.

In the first moment,
It was denied that this was so. Shortly after, Amargo gave a new version, warning that Blanca did not pick up the phone or respond to messages from those responsible for the production. Now, she herself is the one who has ruled out acting in that
La Latina Theater who is selling tickets like hotcakes. It has been in
‘The vanguard’ where he has made those much-sought-after statements in the last ten days.

Media pressure does not help me fulfill a dream I had since I was little.. Everything has been clouded and messed up like no one expected. But I believe that life disposes and God proposes. It will be another time,” Romero began with that explanation, which without saying it, pointed to Amargo’s mess with Justice as the cause of him taking a step aside.

Blanca explains that, if she has not spoken before, it is because it was ”
a personal and punctual collaboration“which was going to take place on two specific dates: the
December 23 and January 10either. With the first of the dates on the horizon, she has decided to break her silence and give his version of this matter that has been involved in endless speculation. “That’s how it was agreed, everything was clear, that’s why I haven’t given any explanations until now, because the date had not arrived,” he added.

Furthermore, he made it clear that it was media pressure and not any problem with Rafael that led him to make this determination: “I hope that Rafael Amargo, as his parents and the people who love him want, is well.
I want to see him well and successful. “I trust his innocence.”