Because of Furia? Chino Martín Ku revealed the truth about his fight with Nico’s family outside of GH – The USA Print Magazine


In Big Brother The fandoms were strongly divided in the face of what will be the final next Sunday. Among Emmanuel Vich, Nico Grosman and Bautista Masciathe winner of the current edition will be announced and for what has been so long awaited in recent months.

Many believed and considered that heavyweights like Juliana Furia Scaglione, Martin Ku, Virginia Demo either Licha Navarrowere the ones who would go the furthest. However, the game threw up several surprises and this was one of them.

At least two of the three original members of Los Bro managed to meet the goal of making it to the last show alive, and now the die is cast; the people will end up deciding who will be the new Big Brother.

And in the last few hours a strong controversy arose between Chino and Nico’s family. It turns out that Martín launched a strong criticism towards Grosman’s parents, whom he accused of playing dirty and that it did not fit in with the values ​​of any of the three.

I saw that there is a parallel game, in which the relatives also participate, and there were situations with Nico’s father that I did not like. The game behind the scenes. The dirty game between us does not go. Nico’s father broke with that.“Ku began saying in Ariel in his element.


In a crossed mobile they made with To the Barbarossaon the other program there was Antonella, Nico’s mother, and she came out to cross him for his statements: “No, no. Chino, it wasn’t like that.“And although she tried to give her point of view, the Chinese silenced her until she could finish her idea.

Let me sum it up. If I put this whole Bro thing on the scales, I have to support Bauti.“, she said, making it clear who she wants to win Big Brother. Unable to believe what she was hearing, Antonella did not let it go and responded with everything.

I don’t think that Nicolás has absolutely nothing to do with what happens outside. I think that Bauti and Nico played very evenly. Nicolás was always spectacular with you and he was loyal. In fact, you brought him up to the plate several times and nobody, here outside, went against you. You are punishing Nico for something that we adults did outside.“, Grosman’s mother said. Meanwhile, Chino did not budge from his position: “That he is going to encourage Furia does not matter, the issue is when he tells Mari ‘hey, don’t campaign and we are not going to campaign’ when behind the scenes they are doing something else.“.

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