Bautista, the son of Pampita and Benjamín Vicuña, gave his first note and surprised with a phrase about his parents – The USA Print Magazine


Taking into account that June is the month of Father’s Day since Let’s grow free They generated content that refers to fatherhood and the role that men play in this new modern era. And it was there that they joined in to participate. Benjamin Vicuna and one of his children.

In that context, Bautista Vicuna He interacted with the Chilean heartthrob in a ping pong game, they made challenges for networks and even the teenager responded about the weight, or price, he pays for having a familiar mom and dad. “What was it like for you growing up with the exposure of being the son of two famous people?”the actor asked him.

To which the young man replied: “I never got into that so much, there are always talks, you hear people talking. But I never got involved, it’s not something that interests me that much”. It was then that Benjamín reminded his son of an episode from the past and the reaction he had had with some The USA Print.

“I also remember that once a long time ago, at an airport, they came to me to ask me something and you ran them away,” Vicuña mentioned. Laughing at the anecdote, the minor said: “Sometimes, seeing my parents there who want to take photos of them or who want to ask them questions, I would see you and realize that it was not the time. “Sometimes when I was a kid I could have said something to them.”.


Likewise, the son of Pampita He delved into the bond he maintains with his father and highlighted: “We have a very good relationship, we talk everything, we spend time. “That’s where I like to be alone but I spend the most time with you but at this age it’s complicated.”.

Finally, Benjamín himself reflected on his role and shared: “From the experience I had with you and your brothers, I am a better dad. I’m learning things about being a parent of a teenager. Obviously I demand more from you because you are the oldest, that you do well in school, which I think is the most important thing.”

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